NATO AWACS Ensures Sky-High Security at EPC Summit in Moldova

NATO AWACS surveillance flights will play a crucial role in ensuring the security of the European Political Community Summit taking place in Moldova. Operating within Allied airspace, NATO AWACS aircraft will provide aerial protection over the Summit venue from May 31st to June 2nd.

According to NATO Spokesperson Oana Lungescu, the advanced capabilities of NATO AWACS enable them to detect aircraft, missiles, and drones from hundreds of kilometers away, serving as a vital early warning system. Lungescu further emphasized that Moldova is a trusted and longstanding partner of NATO.

In light of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine involving Russia, NATO has bolstered its air presence in Eastern Europe by deploying additional fighter aircraft, surveillance aircraft, and tankers. The AWACS fleet conducts regular patrols over Eastern Europe and the Baltic Sea region to monitor the movement of Russian military aircraft near NATO borders. NATO currently operates a fleet of fourteen AWACS aircraft, which are modified versions of the Boeing 707. Flying at an altitude of approximately 10 kilometers, each AWACS aircraft can effectively monitor an airspace radius of 400 kilometers.


It is worth noting that NATO AWACS aircraft are routinely deployed during major international events, including NATO Summits such as the one held in Madrid last June, as well as other significant gatherings like international football tournaments or the Olympics. Their presence ensures enhanced situational awareness and security during such high-profile occasions.

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