NATO Official: Chisinau Successfully Preserves Security and Sovereignty

“After the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova became the target of hybrid attacks, which it successfully countered. In the new security framework, Chisinau has directed its forces to preserve the country’s security and sovereignty, which it has achieved. This is the opinion of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Christopher G. Cavoli, during his official visit to our country.

In an exclusive interview with Moldova 1, NATO’s senior official mentioned that the Alliance will continue to support the Republic of Moldova in strengthening its defense capabilities.

Christopher Cavoli: We already have several implemented tools that will provide sustainable results

“NATO has several tools that it uses in cooperation with partner countries to develop defense capabilities and strengthen them, especially through support packages. Through these consolidated mechanisms, assistance and support can be provided to nations. Regarding the Republic of Moldova, we already have several such tools implemented that will provide sustainable results. But the first step in this regard is for the Republic of Moldova to have a well-established plan and vision for the existing armed forces,” said Christopher Cavoli, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe.

Regarding the consolidation of the security of critical communication routes in the Black Sea region, the official mentioned that the Alliance is doing everything in its power to prevent potential risks both at the national and collective levels to deter threats from the Russian Federation.


“The Alliance is currently undergoing its biggest transformation in the last 35-40 years. After the Cold War, we focused on operations outside NATO territory, small-scale contingency operations. Now we are concentrating on collective defense for which we have developed a common strategy that addresses how we will respond. We have new requirements whereby NATO will develop its capabilities, a new command and control concept (C2), we are working on new decision-making mechanisms that will allow us to be more flexible, agile, and responsive,” added Christopher Cavoli, Supreme Allied Commander Europe.

General Christopher Cavoli is the Supreme Commander of Allied Troops in Europe and one of NATO’s two strategic commanders, responsible for the overall command of military operations conducted by the Alliance.

The visit of General Cavoli to our country is proof that NATO is a trusted partner for the Republic of Moldova, not only in terms of security but also in other important areas for our country,” said the Minister of Defense, Anatolie Nosatîi, with whom Moldova 1 reporter Leanca LaÈ™co-Rață managed to speak after the meeting between the two officials in Chisinau. In addition, the Defense Minister mentioned that by the end of this year, the Republic of Moldova will be able to benefit from a radar system for early detection of potential dangers.”

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