Night meeting at the presidency. What is the reaction of PAS members?

At the meeting on Sunday evening, held at the Presidency, the improvement of the performances of some ministries was discussed, PAS announces. The faction’s MPs and ministers discussed with Maia Sandu; the Party announces.

“Regarding the information published in the press, the PAS parliamentary faction announces that yesterday there was a meeting of the deputies from the parliamentary majority with the president of the Republic of Moldova and the prime minister. In the context of the energy blackmail against the Republic of Moldova set up by Russia and the attempts of the group of thieves to create chaos in the country, we will adopt solutions to ensure peace in the country. We also discussed how the performance of some ministries can be improved. The decisions taken will be announced as soon as possible”, the formation announces.


On Sunday, there were rumors in the public space that the Cabinet would resign, and that the new cabinet would be formed by Dorin Recean. The first to address the subject was Jason Jay Smart, Kyiv Post correspondent and American political scientist with ties to the Republic of Moldova.

Shortly after, several PAS members gathered at the Presidency for a meeting, and after 22:00 Radu Marian told the media that the information appearing in the public space about the change of the cabinet of ministers are rumours, but he did not rule out reshuffles.

On Monday morning, Sorina Ștefărță, spokeswoman for the head of state, told that the institution hosted a meeting of the PAS formation. Why the meeting had to take place there, although Maia Sandu is no longer a member of the party, and other factions were not invited, is not known.

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