
Online market – a new orientation for Moldovans, reaching 24 billion in 2021

In 2021, the online market reached 24 billion lei. The expert in economic policies at the Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS) “Viitorul”, Veaceslav Ionita, came with such an estimate came. He said that online commerce in Moldova is growing very fast and almost doubles every two years.

According to the expert, in the Republic of Moldova online commerce means the purchase of goods and services from the country and abroad and the online payment of invoices and taxes. This service develops largely, according to the account of online payment of invoices and taxes. Regarding the ordinary trade in goods and services, citizens currently prefer to place orders online, but to pay in cash upon delivery, less often with a bank card.

Regarding the types of products purchased online, the first place is clothing and footwear, followed by perfumes and personal care products, cosmetics, food, music, movies, games and applications, medicines and health products, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and so on.

“In our country, the goods purchased online are not of great value. A rather small number of people pay online goods of more than 2000 lei “, remarked Veaceslav Ioniță.

The economist also stated that in 2021 the online market in the Republic of Moldova reached 23.9 billion lei, the largest in the country’s history. Increasing by 7 billion lei compared to 2020. In 2015 the online market was almost 6 billion lei, in 2016 it reached almost 8 billion lei, in 2017 – 10 billion lei, 2018 – 12.7 billion lei ; 2019 – 15.5 billion lei, and in 2020 – 17.1 billion lei.

According to the economic analyst, the online market in the Republic of Moldova consists of: 10 billion lei or 42% of cash or bank card payments for the delivery of products and services; of 5.4 billion lei or 22% of goods and services purchased from abroad; of 5.4 billion lei or 22% of the payment of invoices and taxes online, of 2.1 billion lei or 9% of goods and services purchased in the country, and of 1.1 billion lei or 5% of purchases of goods and services by foreigners.

Of the official payments made by Moldovans, about 13 billion lei last year, 2.1 billion lei went for the purchase of goods and services in the country, 5.4 billion lei – for the payment of bills in the Republic of Moldova, and 5.6 billion lei – for goods and services from abroad. Purchases of goods and services from the country were made in the amount of 10 billion lei in cash or by bank card upon delivery, after the order was made online, and 3.2 billion lei was paid online. In 2021, online payments were made in the amount of 8.6 billion lei, of which 7.5 billion lei were made from Moldovan bank cards, and 1.1 billion lei from foreign cards.

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