“Only together can we get the country out of the gray area of corruption.” according to Maia Sandu

“On International Anti-Corruption Day, let us all reaffirm our commitment to fight this scourge. Reforming the judiciary and strengthening the independence and capacity of institutions to fight corruption are key elements in this fight. Cleansing all public institutions, at the central and local level, of corrupt persons is a major task of the Government and law enforcement bodies”. With such a message came the president of the country, Maia Sandu, today, December 9, when the International Anti-Corruption Day is marked.

The Head of State states that, over time, corruption has brought major damages to the Republic of Moldova and its citizens, and “big corruptions have stolen tens of billions of lei from the state’s coffers, i.e. from the people, money that should have been invested in the energy security of the country, in the development of localities, in better roads, in modern hospitals and schools, in the defense system”.

“Corruption weakened and discredited state institutions, and at a certain point it became a significant threat to the continuation of the democratic course and to the security of the Republic of Moldova. Systemic corruption, which the citizen faces on a daily basis, is equally harmful and upsetting. It reduces access to quality health and education services, hinders business growth and stifles the country’s economic development, reducing jobs and driving people out of the country in search of economic opportunities elsewhere. Corruption affects the welfare and lives of people in the most direct way. Today, on the International Day against Corruption, let’s all reaffirm our commitment to fight this scourge”, reads the message of the head of state.


Maia Sandu claims that justice reform and strengthening the independence and capacity of institutions to fight corruption are key elements in this fight, and cleaning all public institutions, at central and local level, of corrupt persons is “a major task of the Government and the bodies of Right”.

“I express my gratitude to the honest people who work to fight corruption – investigators, prosecutors, integrity inspectors, judges, policemen. I express my appreciation for the work of investigative journalists and civil society organizations in the field, who expose acts of corruption and contribute to strengthening popular support in the fight against corruption. I express my respect to every citizen who does not admit to accepting or giving bribes. We must also be grateful to the citizens who report acts of corruption, fight for justice, do not give in to pressure and do not give up bringing corruption to the surface, and the corrupt – to be brought to justice. The external support we enjoy in our fight against corruption is very important. Only together can we get the country out of the gray area of corruption,” the president’s message also states.

With a similar message, dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day, the Minister of Justice, Sergiu Litvinenco, came at the beginning of this day.

We specify that the International Anti-Corruption Day, which is celebrated every year on December 9, was initiated on October 31, 2003 by the “United Nations Convention against Corruption”.

December 9 has been established as International Anti-Corruption Day since 2006, thanks to the resolution of the UN General Assembly, through which the Assembly adopted the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

The International Anti-Corruption Day aims to promote ethical principles, integrity, transparency and responsibility for one’s own actions in public and private affairs.

The Republic of Moldova signed the Convention on September 28, 2004 and ratified it on July 6, 2007.

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