OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Calls for Peaceful Resolution in Transnistrian Conflict

The Parliamentary Assembly (PA) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has adopted a resolution addressing the Transnistrian conflict. The institution is urging the transformation of the current peacekeeping mission in Transnistria into an international civil mission. Furthermore, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is calling on Russia to withdraw its military troops and ammunition stockpiles from Cobasna.

During the annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly held from June 30 to July 4 in Vancouver, several resolutions were adopted, including one concerning the situation in the Republic of Moldova. “For the first time, the delegates invited all relevant actors to initiate political discussions with the aim of transforming the current peacekeeping mission in the Transnistrian region into a multilateral civil mission, under a recognized international mandate that reflects the real needs on the ground,” stated Promo-Lex, an NGO promoting the rule of law.


In addition, OSCE PA members recognize that the conflict in the Transnistrian region of the Republic of Moldova continues to pose a serious threat to security and stability in the OSCE area. Due to the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine, negotiations in the 5+2 format have been suspended. The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly reaffirms its commitment to achieving a peaceful, comprehensive, and sustainable solution to this protracted conflict, with full respect for the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognized borders.

“Moreover, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly calls on the Russian Federation to withdraw its military troops and ammunition stockpiles from the territory of the Republic of Moldova, in accordance with the constitutional provisions of neutrality and with the relevant decisions of the OSCE made in 1999 at the Istanbul Summit, as well as with the United Nations General Assembly resolution 72/282,” highlighted Promo-Lex.

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly emphasizes that the primary goal of the Transnistrian conflict settlement process is to achieve a comprehensive, peaceful, and lasting solution based on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova within its internationally recognized borders, with a special status for the Transnistrian region. The resolution underscores the urgent need for dialogue and cooperation among all stakeholders to achieve a peaceful resolution to the Transnistrian conflict and restore stability in the region.

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