
Over 67% of exports of the Transnistrian region’s exports go to the EU

Transnistria exports to the EU 67.1% of what they produce. Also, more than half of the goods that come to the region, 50.1% to be exact, come from the European Union.

The data are presented by the Bureau of Reintegration Policies. Officials state that there is upward momentum, noting that exports increased by 10.2% in 2022 compared to 2021 data.

“We see a 4.4% advance in the share of EU goods imports in the Transnistrian region, from 45.7% in 2021 to 50.1% in 2022. The top five EU countries with which more than 80% of trade takes place of the companies in the region (import and export) are: Romania, Poland, Italy, Germany and Slovakia”, the Bureau mentions.


The authority mentions that the effects of the war in Ukraine, but also the suspension of the activity of the border crossing points on the Transnistrian segment of the Moldovan-Ukrainian state border, caused the modification of the logistic chains and the even more pronounced reorientation of the commercial-economic activity in the region towards the EU market, as and intensifying cooperation with the right bank of the Dniester.

The data of the Public Services Agency show that we have 2,336 economic agents from the Transnistrian region, registered at ASP subdivisions, including 1,850 provisionally registered.

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