
(PHOTO) Fashion Soiree: 20 local brands presented their summer collections

Local designers and fashion ambassadors launched a new line of local clothing creation, during the Fashion Soiree event. In the wonderful garden of the National Museum of History, 20 local brands, the most appreciated in our country, presented the new summer collections. A wonderful atmosphere with live music gathered over 500 spectators, including guest stars and public figures.

This year’s edition of Fashion Soiree was about responsibility, social cohesion and care for the future of the clothing design. On Saturday, June 25, fashion lovers admired a catwalk, presented on the podium by actresses, bloggers, businesswomen and creative people.

“I had a great fashion experience, in the company of the local brand Georgette, at Fashion Soiree. At this year’s edition, I had the honor to present two gorgeous outfits “, said the singer Natalia Gordienko.

Diana Zaiaț, journalist and TV producer, was also delighted by the outfits she presented.

“I never thought that a dress can give you so many emotions. You wear it, but it looks alive and you don’t want to take it off you at all. I’ve never met anything like it. To make things so that people have real thrills. Kasandruta’s dresses look like they’re enchanted. Congratulations! ”, Said the journalist and TV producer Dina Zaiaț.

At this year’s edition of Fashion Soiree, the following brands presented their collections: Florii, Rodica Nicov, Tricon & My Revival, Alina Bradu, Irene Vitali, Anastasia Posh, Duca, March Again, Yulia Efros, Ramuri, Damiane, Julie Anne Millenary, Evadeya, Kasandruța, Nicole Storm, Ionel, Etnopera, Julia Alert and Georgette.

The Facebook pages of the present brands can be found below:

Georgette: https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=georgette
Julia Allert: https://www.facebook.com/julia.allert.92
Anastasia Posh: https://www.facebook.com/AnastasiaPosh
Kasandruta: https://www.facebook.com/Kasandruta-456163304420401
Tricon & My Revival: https://www.facebook.com/Tricon.Revival
Duke: https://www.facebook.com/DucaClothing
Flowers: https://www.facebook.com/Florii.shop
Etnopera: https://www.facebook.com/traditiinoi
Ionel: https://www.facebook.com/ionel.md
Irene Vitali: https://www.facebook.com/storepointirene
Rodica Nicov: https://www.facebook.com/NicovRodica
Evadeya: https://www.facebook.com/EVADEYA.md
Nicole Storm: https://www.facebook.com/nicolestorm.brand
Alina Bradu: https://www.facebook.com/alina.bradu.3
March Again: https://www.facebook.com/MarchAgain
Branches: https://www.facebook.com/ramuriclothes
Yulia Efros: https://www.facebook.com/yuliaefrosbrand
Damiane: https://www.facebook.com/cornerleatheraccessories
Julie Anne Millenary: https://www.facebook.com/julieannemillinery

Along with the fashion event was the general partner Moldindconbank, the bank with the highest financial efficiency in the local banking system. Everything was organized thanks to DIN INIMA and Berlizzo Events.

The Moldova Fashion Days series of annual events aims to promote local fashion producers and is organized by the Employers’ Association of Light Industry (APIUS) with the support of the Technologies of the Future project, funded by USAID and Sweden.

We continue to turn Chisinau into the capital of Moldovan design. We contribute to the promotion of creative industries in our country!

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