Portuguese President Affirms EU’s Desire for Moldova as a Member State

Despite the thousands of kilometers that separate us, the Republic of Moldova and Portugal are becoming increasingly close, stated the President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, during a press conference held at the Presidency alongside the head of state, Maia Sandu, according to realitatea.md.

President Maia Sandu mentioned that our friendship started many years ago, but a more special relationship began 30 years ago when the Moldovan community, which is very strong and intelligent, came to Portugal.

“The friendship relationship between the Republic of Moldova and Portugal started a long time ago. Our people formed friendships before we had the opportunity to start our friendship. Peace and security are only possible with democracy, pluralism, freedom, and the rule of law, never with dictatorship. We are here to reaffirm support for your country’s European integration. The EU wants to see Moldova as a member state, obviously after meeting the requirements you are already working on. We went through this experience, it changed our lives, and it strengthened our democracy,” said the Portuguese President.

In turn, the President of Portugal mentioned that our friendship relationship started many years ago, but a more special relationship began 30 years ago when the Moldovan community, which is very strong and intelligent, came to Portugal.

“The European Union wants to see Moldova as a member state.”

It was also mentioned that a letter of intent on educational cooperation was signed between the Council of Rectors of the Republic of Moldova and the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities.


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