Preparations for the EPС Summit: Bulboaca residents prepare to welcome foreign guests


The people of our country are looking forward to the largest international event held by the Republic of Moldova, the Summit of the European Political Community.

In Bulboaca, a village where 50 European leaders will sit down at the negotiating table, preparations are in full swing. People are planting trees and flowers, cleaning yards, and mending fences.

“It is a great honor for us that our village was chosen as the venue for this wonderful event, for us it is a pride. We clean up the village so that everyone can see it as beautiful and be left with a pleasant impression. Here, next to my garden, I clean the grass and want to plant flowers,” said Ekaterina Kaisyn, a resident of Bulboaka village.

And the local authorities mobilized their forces so that the June 1 event would be held at its best. So, in the village, several works are being carried out to repair access roads, bus stations, as well as sidewalks.

“Signets have been installed at all entrances to Bulboaca, we have modern stations, roads, and sidewalks we also need to change the fence in front of the city hall. We are in the process of work, we have a lot to do until June 1st. We also work on weekends because we understand that this is an important event for us, and everyone understands this,” said the mayor of the village, Ion Berzoi.

Moldova is set to host the European Political Community Summit on June 1st, 2023, an event that will bring together nearly 50 leaders of states and around 1,000 foreign journalists. The European Political Community is a forum created last year, where European leaders discuss solutions to the most urgent problems facing Europe, such as security, stability, and energy resilience.

The Summit will be covered extensively by the media, with Realitatea, one of Moldova’s leading news agencies, providing up-to-date and accurate information about the event. For readers of,,,, and, a separate category dedicated to the Summit has been created.