President Sandu’s initiative: What is the current status of the project to establish a specialized court?

A draft law proposing the examination of corruption cases by a specialised court has been submitted for public consultation. On Tuesday, March 12, the Legal, Appointments and Immunities Committee held a public meeting. Representatives from various institutions attended, including the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), the Presidency, the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), the Superior Council of Prosecutors (SCP), the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), the Prosecutor General’s Office (PG), the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (PA), the National Integrity Authority (ANI), and the Delegation of the European Union to Moldova.

After discussions on 12 March, a working group was established to finalize the technical aspects and prepare the draft law for adoption by the full Parliament, according to a press release from the legislature.

” The draft proposes the creation of an anti-corruption judicial system consisting of three components: the Anti-Corruption Court, the Anti-Corruption Chamber of the Chisinau Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.

The Anti-Corruption Court will serve as the primary court for all corruption-related criminal cases, as well as cases involving the legality of acts issued by the National Integrity Authority in situations where there are significant disparities between income, expenses, and acquired wealth. The court will also handle requests for the confiscation, of unjustified wealth for the benefit of the state. The Anti-Corruption Panel of the Chisinau Court of Appeal will also consider appeals and challenges against first-instance decisions of the Anti-Corruption Court. The draft law includes provisions outlining the procedure and criteria for selecting and appointing anti-corruption judges, as well as the anti-corruption panel of the Chisinau Court of Appeal,” the Parliament stated in a press release.


The Parliament voted on the legislative initiative in the first reading. Once finalised, it will be proposed to deputies for adoption.

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