Pavel Filip has been appointed as the director of Sudzucker Moldova

The board of directors of Sudzucker Moldova has approved the appointment of Pavel Filip, a former prime minister, as its director. Before to his appointment, Pavel Filip was a member of the Company’s Management Board.

Rostislav Magdei is appointed as the production director, Anatolii Gorodenko as the raw materials director, Adrian Lipkan as the sales director, and Doina Donjici as the deputy general director and financial director. Valerii Nikusor and Aleksei Fortuna are appointed as administrators of the subsidiary Agro-SZM.

Pavel Filip was a member of the Democratic Party led by Vlad Plahotniuc.


In 2008, he was appointed as the head of Tutun-CTC, a company that is majority-owned by the State. From 2011 to January 2016, he served as the Minister of Information and Communication Technology.

In 2010, while serving at Tutun-CTC, Filip joined the PDM and was included in the party’s list of candidates for the early parliamentary elections held on 28 November 2010. In 2014, he briefly served as a deputy before returning to his position as Minister of Information Technology and Communications.

In July 2014, Pavel Filip, the chairman of the municipal organisation of the Democratic Party, proposed that Vladimir Plahotniuc be awarded Moldova’s highest state honour.

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