Recognition of Moldovan Student Qualifications in 21 Countries: Global Convention on the Horizon

The qualifications of students from Moldova could be recognized in 21 countries. Our country is expected to join a global convention.

21 countries could recognize the qualifications of students from the Republic of Moldova. The Cabinet of Ministers has approved a bill regarding the Republic of Moldova’s accession to the global Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education, adopted in Paris on November 25, 2019.

Among these 21 countries are: France, Japan, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Romania, Croatia, Sweden, and Australia.

Joining the convention will facilitate access to studies and mobility between higher education institutions worldwide for Moldovan students, access to the global labor market, efficient use of educational and human resources, and strengthen international cooperation in the recognition of qualifications in higher education.

The bill will be submitted to the President of the Republic of Moldova for examination.

Furthermore, the ministers have also voted for the denunciation of the Agreement on the Procedure for the Establishment and Operation of Branches of Higher Education Institutions in the Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The agreement was signed in Moscow on September 28, 2001.


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