
Republic of Moldova receives second tranche of EU’s 150 million euro assistance package for urgent needs and reforms

The European Union has disbursed the second tranche of the 50 million euro macro-financial assistance package. In early April 2023, the EU provided 10 million euros in grants, and now another 40 million euros in loans for the urgent needs of the country and to accelerate reforms.

The disbursement of the second tranche was possible after the European Commission noted the progress made by the Republic of Moldova in consolidating public sector governance, public finance management through the adoption of a new domain strategy, strengthening the rule of law, and adopting a new program for the recovery of criminal assets.

The 150 million euro macro-financial assistance package announced by the EU is offered in three tranches. The first tranche, of 50 million euros, was disbursed in August 2022. This package will help the Republic of Moldova continue its economic and political reforms and further integrate with the European Union.


The EU’s macro-financial assistance is aimed at supporting countries facing balance-of-payment difficulties. It is a combination of grants and loans, aimed at strengthening economic governance, public finance management, and the rule of law. The Republic of Moldova is committed to implementing structural reforms to modernize its economy and bring it closer to EU standards.

The EU has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the Republic of Moldova on its path towards European integration and will continue to work with the country to ensure a stable and prosperous future.

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