Serbia and the US react to Maia Sandu’s concerns about destabilization


The President of Moldova, Maia Sandu, declared that the country’s Intelligence and Security Service has information about plans to involve citizens of Russia, Belarus, Serbia, and Montenegro in unconstitutional actions on the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

The White House cannot confirm from their information the reports of the Moldovan authorities. This was announced by the coordinator for communication strategies at the National Security Council of the White House, John Kirby.

According to him, the information about an alleged plot is worrying and Washington is with the Moldovan government and people. The reports are “deeply troubling” but “not outside the bounds of Russian behavior,” John Kirby said at a news conference in response to a question from the media.

“We are categorical with the Moldovan government and the Moldovan people,” he added.

“The documents received from our Ukrainian partners demonstrate good documentation of the locations and logistical aspects for the organization of these subversive activities. Also, the plan involves the use of people from outside the country for violent actions. For example, the materials contain instructions on the rules of entry into the Republic of Moldova for citizens of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, Serbia, and Montenegro,” said Maia Sandu.


At the same time, the Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs categorically denied Maia Sandu’s statement about the possible participation of Serbian citizens in subversive actions aimed at destabilizing the Republic of Moldova, which would be based on Ukrainian information about Russia’s plans.

“We ask the Moldovan authorities to urgently provide all the information at their disposal because we have not received any notification from the Republic of Moldova so far”, said the minister, in a press release from the ministry.

He added that there are many examples of fake news in the international arena, but Serbia “will not allow its reputation and interests to be damaged.”

“We have instructed our ambassador, accredited in Chisinau, to urgently request clarifications regarding this statement from the President of the Republic of Moldova, as well as to urgently provide us with all the information about the people who are suspected of participating in such violent actions “, said Dacic, emphasizing that, according to Serbian legislation, “any participation of our citizens in armed conflicts abroad is a crime”.

Moreover, NATO Deputy General Secretary Mircea Geoană questioned the accusations brought by Maia Sandu. the NATO representative declared that Russia would not have enough forces to violate the neutrality of the Republic of Moldova, as has been circulating for some time, in the context of the war started in Ukraine.