SPD of Germany will support Moldova’s accession to the EU


Members of the SPD Group (Social Democratic Party of Germany) in the legislative forum of the German Bundestag will support our country in carrying out development programs in various fields, in the effort to manage the economic and energy crisis, and in implementing reforms that bring us even closer to the European Union. The assurances were given by the delegation of the German legislative forum, which is currently in Chisinau and had a meeting with the country’s president, Maia Sandu, at the presidency.

Officials’ talks focused on the economic and humanitarian challenges facing Moldova as a result of the war in Ukraine, as well as the country’s reform agenda and euro-integration process.

“Today, the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, met with a delegation of the German Bundestag, made up of members of the PSD Group from the federal legislative forum and led by Johannes Schraps. The talks focused on the economic and humanitarian challenges facing Moldova as a result of the war in Ukraine, as well as the reform agenda and the process of Euro-integration of the country “, it is shown in a press release of the Presidency.

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The Head of State thanked the delegation for the strong partnership between our countries, as well as for the support provided over the years for the consolidation of democracy and the development of the economic sector. At the same time, Maia Sandu highlighted the decisive role of Germany in organizing the donors’ conference in Berlin, from this April, and the support offered in the context of the Ukrainian refugee crisis.

In turn, the members of the delegation “expressed their gratitude to the Moldovan citizens who helped, in solidarity and generously, the refugees from Ukraine”.