“Stolen billion” case: former acting head of Banca de Economii sentenced to 10 years in prison


The former acting head of Banca de Economii Viorel Birka was sentenced to 10 years in prison in a criminal case of “stealing a billion”. Moreover, he was banned from holding certain positions for a five-year term. This decision was made by the Buiucan Court on January 29.

As a guarantee of compensation for damages, the court imposed a sequestration on 1/2 share of his property, which amounts to 4 million lei. Also, 32,550 lei, which were spent on legal expenses, will be withdrawn from the account of the accused in favor of the state.

According to the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, from July 2013 to September 2014, Birka, being the head of BEM and acting in the interests of a criminal group, helped to withdraw $100 million from the bank.


Birka was detained in December 2020, along with five other suspects in the case of the “stealing a billion.” At the same time, the ex-president of UniBank Dmitri Tsugulsky, was arrested.