Tag: grapes

New record 2023: Moldovan grapes exported to 33 countries

In the year 2023, exports of table grapes have increased significantly compared to 2022. The producers managed to increase the quantity of grapes exported by about 11% and the value by about...

Feteasca Regală – a native variety with the highest yield per hectare – 15-20 tons of grapes

The native grape variety Feteasca Regală was discovered after 1920 in Transylvania, near Sighișoara, and it is believed to be a hybrid between Feteasca Albă and Grasa de Cotnari. It is one...

The Prolific White Fetească Grape: Dominating Moldova’s Vineyards with 750 Hectares

White Fetească, also known as Leanka, Poama Fetei, Păsărească Albă, or Mädchentraube, is widespread in all regions of the Republic of Moldova except for the northern part. The majority of these hectares,...

Rara Neagră: The Versatile Grape Variety with 80 Aliases and High Yields

Rara Neagră is considered to originate from the Nicoreşti vineyards in Galaţi County, Romania, as a direct descendant of wild vines. From this region, the variety has migrated in all directions, establishing...

New challenges for farmers! The rain affected the table grapes

After the two-month drought, in early August it rained in almost all regions of the country (about 15-35 mm). The precipitation improved to a very small extent the condition of perennial plantations...


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