Tension rises in Transnistria: More Russian peacekeepers on the left bank of Dniester?!

The authorities of Tiraspol are asking Russia to increase the number of peacekeepers, including through the recruitment of military personnel from among the citizens of the Russian Federation living in the Left Bank. This was stated in an interview for RIA Novosti by the head of the representative office of the republic in Moscow, Leonid Manakov.

He clarified that now the number of Russian peacekeepers in the security zone does not exceed 450, while according to the documents of the Joint Control Commission, 3,100 people are expected. At the same time, according to Manakov, it is legally possible to increase the Russian contingent.

“There is such an option, and it is justified from the point of view of worsening security risks, including the terrorist threat, and at the same time, it is legally justified by the documents adopted as part of the activities of the JCC”, he is sure.

In the zone of the Transnistrian conflict, there are joint peacekeeping forces from Russian, Transnistrian, and Moldovan peacekeepers, ten military observers from Ukraine are also working there. Peacekeepers are serving at 15 fixed posts and checkpoints in key areas of the security zone.

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