Chisinau City Hall has approved a Program of cultural and artistic actions and events dedicated to the Holy Holidays of Easter 2022. The events are scheduled for the period: April 16th – May 10th, 2022 and include various activities for residents and guests of the city. Thus, thematic fairs and exhibitions, Easter song festivals, events to promote and capitalize on folk traditions, classical music recitals, the launch of Easter decorations, charity events and many other events will be organized. The municipality has published the agenda of cultural and artistic events dedicated to the Holy Easter Holidays on its official website.
This morning, the mayor of the capital announced that on Thursday, April 21st, the lights in the Cathedral Park will be turned on. At the same time, the mayor of the capital announced that the relaxation of sanitary measures will make it possible to hold outdoor cultural events.
“This week we will organize several outdoor cultural events. We are also considering the opening of fountains in the city”, Ceban specified.
The mayor of the capital thanked the over 800 people who participated in the “General Spring Cleaning” campaign.
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Over the weekend, local public administration employees, specialized municipal services, students from the capital’s educational institutions, citizens and volunteers collected waste from green areas: parks, squares, near water basins, etc., and 13 landfills were evacuated.