
The concept of the CREATIVE MOLDOVA National Plan was presented at Artcor

The concept of the CREATIVE MOLDOVA National Plan and the vision for the development of creative industries were presented publicly, at Artcor, in an event with the participation of the creative community from the Republic of Moldova, relevant authorities and the academic environment.

The policy document is developed by the Ministry of Culture and Future Technologies Project, funded by USAID and Sweden, in partnership with the Association of Creative Industries COR, and is part of the Government’s 2022 Action Plan.

“We are living through historic moments, in which development strategies and world values ​​are being rethought. In the case of the Republic of Moldova, a country that does not have many natural resources, creativity becomes our strongest weapon, a landmark at the base of a real industry. But we have to hurry to put it to value. Together with the support of our development partners, to whom we are grateful, we have developed policies, assisted by the best specialist in this field, Tom Fleming, to step in the right direction, providing a much-needed boost to the development of the creative industries. Whatever is produced in Moldova and in the world, it needs the support of the creative industry, for appropriate packaging, for image, communication, advertising. It is a huge field where we can concentrate talent, training, innovation and support through clear and sustainable policies, which we undertake!”, said Sergiu Prodan, Minister of Culture.

The program, created for the first time for the Republic of Moldova, aims to develop a competitive, inclusive and sustainable creative economy, generating social, economic and environmental benefits.

“Creative industries in Moldova are going through an unprecedented boom stage, capturing a growing demand both nationally and internationally. We were proud to contribute to the development of the creative sector in Moldova with the support of the COR Association, to create Artcor and Mediacor and to launch many educational and business programs. The Creative Moldova Program comes to further strengthen creative services, through dynamic entrepreneurship, innovation, as well as the generation, attraction and retention of talent in the Republic of Moldova. We are eager to get to know more cultural products that bear the Moldovan identity in Europe and not only”, declares Katarina Fried, Ambassador of Sweden to the Republic of Moldova.

The creative industries in the Republic of Moldova are represented by over 2,000 enterprises with 10,000 employees, 2,500 freelancers, with economic activities in the fields of design, advertising, digital media, architecture, music, cinematography, theater, animation, book publishing and games and virtual and augmented reality (AR/RV). In 2020, the revenues of more than 2,000 companies in the creative sector amounted to 150 million dollars.

“USAID is proud to support the development of the “Creative Moldova” Program together with our Swedish partners through the Future Technologies Project. Creative industries are constantly developing globally. The investment of the Government of the Republic of Moldova in the creative industries through the “Creative Moldova” program is a strategic and forward-looking decision that will ensure the leading role of the creative sector in Moldova in new fields such as installations and immersive experiences, 3D animations, AR/VR, digital marketing, and new media”, says John Riordan, deputy head of the USAID mission in Moldova.

The Republic of Moldova benefits from international expertise in the creation of the Creative Moldova Program. The British company Tom Fleming Consulting assists our country in this process. Tom Fleming Company has supported several countries in the development of cultural and creative strategies, such as Ukraine, Georgia, Greece, Norway, Turkey, etc.

“Moldova has the potential to become a dynamic hub for creative industries. The energy, entrepreneurship, innovation and ambition of Moldovan creative talent, supported by the Government and catalysed by digital transformation and increasing international profile, signal a major opportunity for the country. With a clear and realistic strategy and strong partnership, the creative industries can provide high-value jobs, contribute to innovation across the economy and support the nation’s sustainable development,” says Tom Fleming, International Creative Country Program Development Expert .

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