
The end of the controversial language debate: The Moldovan language – replaced by the Romanian

In all legislation of the Republic of Moldova, the phrase “Romanian language” will take the place of “Moldovan languages”. The phrases “official language”, “state language” and “mother tongue” will also be replaced. A project in this sense passed in the first reading, during today’s plenary session, by the PAS deputies.

The document was drawn up by a group of deputies of the “Action and Solidarity Party”. The parliamentarians also propose that the text “functioning on the basis of Latin script” in Article 13 of the Constitution be considered obsolete. Also, within 30 days from the entry into force of the law, the public authorities with the competence to adopt, approve or issue normative acts inferior to the law will make the necessary changes. The draft also stipulates that the National Holiday “Our Language”, as it is currently named in the Parliament’s Decision on commemorative days, holidays, and rest days and in the Labor Code, should be called “Romanian Language”.

According to the authors, the conditions that required the development of this draft law undoubtedly result from the necessity and obligation to implement some considerations with constitutional value, contained in the acts of the High Court of Constitutional Jurisdiction and which establish an indisputable postulate, namely that the state language of the Republic of Moldova is the Romanian language. “This legislative initiative is not an ordinary initiative to amend the Constitution, but a technical one, which results from the obligation to execute and/or implement the acts of the Constitutional Court”, added deputy Veronica RoÈ™ca, one of the authors of the project.

However, Moscow and the pro-Russian opposition in Chisinau (communists and socialists) criticize the project of the parliamentary majority, including the need to organize a referendum. Moscow and Russian propaganda, together with the fake pro-Russian or pro-European rulers that Moldova has had during the last three decades, have “worked” hard to accredit the perfidious perception that Romanians and Moldovans represent two distinct nations with different histories and that the Romanian and Moldovan languages, likewise, would be different.


In December 2013, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Moldova established that the text of the country’s Declaration of Independence, which stipulates that the state language is Romanian, prevails in relation to the text of the Constitution and forms a common body with the Supreme Law. Therefore, although the “Moldovan language” remained written in the Constitution, it was ruled that it is equivalent to the Romanian language and thus provided a legal basis for the use of the “Romanian language” not only in schools and research institutions, as it was until then, but also at the official level in the state institutions, including in the documents developed by the Parliament, the Government, and other state institutions.

The Constitutional Court established that “The Declaration of Independence consecrates the creation of the newly independent state Republic of Moldova and establishes the foundations, principles and fundamental values of the state organization of the Republic of Moldova. The Court held that the Declaration of Independence, being an integral part of the Preamble of the Constitution, has the value of a constitutional text and forms a common body with the Constitution, being the primary and immutable constitutional text of the constitutional bloc. Therefore, any review of constitutionality or interpretation should take into account not only the text of the Constitution but also the constitutional principles enunciated in the Declaration of Independence.

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