The “European Moldova 2030” Strategy reached the table of the deputies!


The economy, budget and finance committee approved the report on the draft law for the approval of the national development strategy “European Moldova 2030” and it is to be proposed to the plenary of the Parliament for voting.

The project, developed by the Government with the support of development partners, aims to visibly increase the quality of people’s lives. This is the national long-term strategic vision document, which indicates the country’s development directions and which adapts to the national context the priorities of the international commitments assumed by our country according to the Association Agreement with the EU and of those deriving from the status of a candidate country for joining the EU.

The development objectives contained in the strategy reflect the aspirations of increasing the well-being of the people of the Republic of Moldova, improving the lives of citizens, Europeanizing state institutions, strengthening democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights.

The project of the National Strategy “European Moldova 2030” outlines objectives to ensure the modernization of all spheres of political and social-economic life, bringing the Republic of Moldova closer to EU standards.


The document establishes ten general objectives, used to measure the quality of life at the level of the European Union. These are increasing income from sustainable sources and reducing inequalities; improving living conditions; guaranteeing relevant and quality education throughout life; raising the level of culture; improving the physical and mental health of the population; solid and inclusive social protection system; efficient, inclusive and transparent governance; fair, incorruptible and independent judiciary; peaceful and secure society; healthy environment.

The strategy will be the reference document in the process of developing the medium-term budgetary framework and defines, including, the strengthening of the resilience of the Republic of Moldova in the event of new crises.

The government proposes quarterly monitoring and the preparation of annual reports on the strategy implementation process.