The European Union allocates 40 million euros to Moldova as macro-financial assistance

The European Commission, on behalf of the European Union, has allocated 40 million euros in financial support to the Republic of Moldova within the ongoing macro-financial assistance operation totaling 150 million euros.

This completes the disbursement of the second tranche of €50 million, of which €10 million in grants has been disbursed on 5 April this year.

“The war in Ukraine has had a significant impact on the Moldovan economy, adding significant challenges and imbalances. This support will help Moldova meet its urgent financing needs and maintain overall macroeconomic stability, as well as enable broad and ambitious reforms”, the European Commission said in a statement.

The current payment comes after the conclusion of the Commission that Moldova has generally complied with the political conditions agreed with the EU for issuing the payment.

“Moldova has made progress in financial sector governance and strengthened the rule of law. Support for macro-financial assistance is part of a broader EU effort to support Moldova given the many challenges of recent years. This will also help Moldova move forward on its European path”.

The EU has already paid Moldova 100 million euros as part of an ongoing macro-financial assistance operation totaling 150 million euros.

The Commission also proposed in January this year to increase macro-financial assistance for the Republic of Moldova to 145 million euros. The European Parliament and the Council are currently studying this proposal.

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