The first guesthouse built with the help of subsidies to improve living standards in the countryside

Rural development is one of the priority directions for the Agency for Intervention and Payments for Agriculture (AIPA). The projects financed from the National Fund for the Development of Agriculture and the Rural Environment and subsequently implemented by entrepreneurs, contribute to improving the quality of life in rural areas, to the emergence of new local services that respond to the needs of the inhabitants, as well as to the creation of new jobs.

“Casa Rândunicii” is an agro-tourism project launched in June 2022 in the town of Trebujeni, Orhei, with the help of advance subsidies for rural development, granted by AIPA, and external donors.

“We are the first to apply for advance subsidization to improve the standard of living and work in rural areas following the call launched by AIPA. The total value of our project was 1.2 million lei, and with the financial support of 457 thousand lei from AIPA, business development was possible. It was a great encouragement for us”, says Liliana Buzilă, director of the agro-pension.


The idea of ​​this business was born from a dream of the entrepreneur, to build a stone house in her hometown. To begin with, she bought an old house, which was across the road from her parents’ homestead, demolished it and built the boarding house.

“Casa Rândunicii” was designed in the local architectural tradition, but stylized with modern elements. The guesthouse has a dining room with a capacity of up to 50 people and five bedrooms, and in the yard it has a terrace and play areas for children.

In addition to the picturesque landscapes that surround the town, the tranquility of nature and traditional dishes, the guesthouse also offers tourists a leisure program: bicycles for walks on the banks of the Răutului, binoculars for panoramic views, culinary master-classes, crocheting, weaving, spinning the wools.

Liliana Buzilă believes that the natural treasure of Orheiul Vechi still has great untapped tourist potential. Therefore, in the future she plans to further develop her business, launch new services for visitors.

We remind you that in 2021, as part of the advance subsidy measure to improve living and work standards in rural areas, 96 investment projects were financed with the support of AIPA, for a total amount of 120.4 million lei.

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