
The global production of apples in Moldova, this year, is 40% lower than the previous year

The global production of apples in Moldova, this year, was about 400 thousand tons, which is 40% less than the previous year, Moldova Fruct data show.

Between July and October, 31 thousand tons of apples were exported. At the same time, it is estimated that from the current harvest, about 240 thousand tons will be delivered for processing, and 12 thousand tons have already been sold on the local market. In cold storage, on November 1, approximately 117 thousand tons of apples are stored, which is less by approximately 100 thousand tons, compared to November 1, 2021.


In order to boost the diversification of export markets for apples and other fruits, Moldova Fruct, with the support of development partners, promoted Moldovan fruits at international exhibitions in Berlin, Madrid, Dubai, Bucharest.

He also organized several business missions that resulted in establishing contacts with potential buyers. At the same time, at the request of Moldova Fruct, the public authorities initiated negotiations to reduce entry barriers to the markets of India, Egypt and the EU.

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