The government will compensate the costs of wood supply for the population

The “Moldsilva” agency will receive 64.2 million lei from the Reserve Fund, in order to prevent the price increase of firewood, made to the population for the cold season. The money will be allocated by the Government. A Provision in this sense was approved during the meeting of the Commission for Exceptional Situations.

Also, the Minister of the Environment will draw up an Action Plan for supplying the population with firewood, applicable at central and local level.


“The CSE members ordered the extension of the term for examining applications for the issuance of the identity card, the driver’s license and the vehicle registration certificate, up to 3 months at most. During this time, provisional documents will be issued, with the same legal force. The provisional documents will have a validity period of 6 months and will be canceled when the beneficiary receives the mechanizable document”, the Government announced in a press release.

The text of the Provision also provides for the extension, until the current September 30, of the payment term by S.A. “Moldovagaz” of natural gas import rights, in order to ensure the solvency of S.A. “Moldovagaz” vis-a-vis S.A.P. “Gazprom” for the gas delivered in the following period.

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