The Ministry of the Environment on the alarming level of air pollution in Chisinau


The Ministry of the Environment and the Environment Agency warned that the level of air pollution in Chisinau remains high. In the first days of the new year, increased concentrations were recorded for suspended particles PM10mkm, the limit being exceeded 2.8 times.

“Environmental authorities announce that the reasons that contributed to the accumulation of pollutants in the air would be the unusually warm weather conditions for this time of the year, characterized by the influence of warm air in combination with weak wind and the presence of retention layers. The lack of intensive movement of air masses in the horizontal and vertical direction, contributed to the maintenance of these particles in the layer on the surface of the soil, contributing to exceeding the sanitary norms for PM10 mkm particles”.

Also, this significant excess is conditioned by the high level of road traffic in some sectors, smoke, and soot from heating homes and industrial areas. The indicators are constantly monitored by the Environment Agency, which recommends not to be alarmed.


“The authorities draw the attention of the economic agents who are the biggest polluters that they are obliged to switch to a reduced work regime in order to reduce pollution, especially during peak hours, in the event of unfavorable weather conditions,” the informative note also states.

In this sense, the CET, the glass factory, the cement factories, and the construction material factories, must obey the prescriptions of the Environment Agency and contribute to the reduction of pollution, especially with PM10, having signed agreements to participate in the reduction of pollution atmospheric air.