
The Republic of Moldova, closer to “union” with Romania?

The Chisinau Parliament approved the extension of the implementation period of the Joint Operational Program Romania – Republic of Moldova, during the plenary session today, July 28, in the final reading, the amendment to the Financing Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the European Union and the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration of Romania.

Thus, the period of execution of the treaty was extended by another year, until December 31, 2025. This change is necessary due to the consequences caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.


The financing agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova, the European Union and the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration of Romania was signed in 2016 and provides for the granting of a grant of 89.1 million euros for the implementation of several activities in our country. Beneficiaries of the project can be public or central authorities, international organizations or non-governmental organizations.

The document was supported in the final reading by 65 deputies.

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