The separatist zone will continue delivering electricity to the right bank of the Dniester in January

The Cucuirgan plant announces that it will deliver electricity to the right bank of the Dniester in January in exchange for 5.7 million cubic meters of gas from Gazprom.

The alleged authorities from Tiraspol say that this way, the residents of Transnistria, social institutions and enterprises in the food industry will be provided with gas, heat and hot water in January. At the same time, measures aimed at the maximum possible security of the industrial complex of the region will be implemented.

On December 3, Energocom signed the electricity supply contract with Cuciurgan in exchange for 5.7 million cubic meters/day. The energy price is $73/MW.


In November, the Republic of Moldova faced an unprecedented energy crisis following the suspension of electricity supplies by the Cuciurgan plant. However, Chisinau had to buy electricity from the Romanian market at an average price of 231 euros MW/h. As a result, the tariffs for the population reached almost 6 lei KW/h.

The Cuciurgan plant is controlled by the INTER RAO group from the Russian Federation, and the money from the sale of electricity to the right bank goes to a special account and is used to pay pensions and salaries. Regarding gas consumption, it is not paid, as a result the debt amounts to 8 billion dollars.

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