The Techno-Criminal and Judicial Expertise Center got new equipment!

The evidence from various criminal files can be examined much more quickly and efficiently by the experts of the Techno-Criminal and Judicial Expertise Center (CTCEJ) of the IGP, thanks to state-of-the-art equipment, worth $165,000, purchased by UNDP, with the support of the US Government, within the project “Support for the reform of law enforcement institutions in Moldova”.

Two spectrometers were provided to the Substance Examinations Section within the CTCEJ. One of these, the Raman spectrometer, is portable and can be used not only in the laboratory. But also in crime scene investigations to identify different types of substances. For example it identifies, drugs and precursors, explosives, as well as various hazardous chemicals. Now experts can even identify substances that are packaged in glass or plastic without having to open it. The spectrometer has a library of 30,000 spectra, which are used to examine samples in any form. Previously, the Techno-Criminal and Judicial Expertise Center had 16,000 spectra.


In order to use the new equipment efficiently, the department’s employees benefited from specialized training.

Since the beginning of the year, more than 1,000 expert reports have been drawn up. In the Substance Examinations Section of the CTCEJ, 90 percent of reports refered to drugs.

Also with the support of the UNDP and the US Government, a high-performance computer was purchased for the Information Examinations Section of the CTCEJ. With its help, information from mobile phones and other devices is quickly extracted and analyzed. Currently, the procedure takes an hour, and until the purchase of this equipment, it took at least 24 hours.

CTCEJ carries out judicial expertise at the request of various institutions, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its subordinate structures, the Prosecutor’s Office, the National Anticorruption Center, the courts, but also extrajudicial expert reports, at the request of natural and legal persons.

Since 2014, the Techno-Criminal and Judicial Expertise Center has benefited from the assistance offered by the US Government, through UNDP Moldova.

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