The uninterrupted operation of the MMZ plant is a guarantee of the stability of many Moldovan companies

The Metallurgical Plant of Moldova (MMZ) remains the only metallurgical enterprise that offers high-quality products to the entire region and the foreign market. A temporary or permanent stop of production would have a negative impact on European consumers and the activity of Moldovan companies that, for many years, have successfully and beneficially cooperated with the metallurgical plant, paying taxes to the budget of the Republic of Moldova, including taxes for the supply of scrap metal. The loss of the metallurgical industry will cause a sudden increase in construction costs in the private and industrial sectors, which will lead to serious consequences for the entire economy of Moldova.

At the moment, the plant has met all the requirements of the environmental authorities of the Republic of Moldova. The high standards of the factory’s products are confirmed by regular checks and quality certificates issued on their basis by most European countries. Thus, until now, the plant has received 21 certificates of conformity of products to international standards. This year alone, 9 external audits were conducted at the MMZ plant regarding compliance with European standards in the field of finished products, quality management system and environmental management, without any violations being detected or any observations issued.


OJSC MMZ is certified according to the ISO 14001 standard (environmental management) by the international company SGS, Switzerland. The certificate of compliance with the requirements of the international standard was received in 2020, and the plant is annually subject to procedures to confirm compliance with the specified standard. According to the results of the annual audits, no irregularities were identified or objections were raised, the experts only coming up with suggestions for improving the processes. In addition, SA MMZ is accredited for technical competence by “MOLDAC” (Republic of Moldova), holds the necessary approvals for the operation of ionizing radiation resources ANRANR (Republic of Moldova), in addition, the certificate issued by the international certification organization “CARRES” (Great Britain) .

During 2022, the experts of the Environmental Inspectorate of Moldova inspected the plant twice. Following these inspection visits, no violations were identified or objections raised. On the contrary, the inspectors appreciated the high standards of the plant in the field of ecology.

The uninterrupted operation of the plant will ensure the stable import of raw materials and the export of finished products, which will allow the maintenance of the company’s activity, the maintenance of a stable number of employees of the plant (over 2500 people), the stability of the economy of the entire region and the enterprises of the Republic of Moldova that have direct and indirect relations with SA MMZ, and the provision of additional revenues to the budget of the Republic of Moldova.

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