They bring our fame throughout the world! Medals for Moldovan weightlifters

Weightlifter Anastasia Ceornopolc won three medals at the European Under 15 Championship, held in Poland. She won the gold in the snatch test and the silver in the throw and overall. The young woman performed in the 81 kg weight category, writes

Alexandrina Ciubotaru also became European vice-champion, only in the Under 17 category. She won 3 silver medals in the 64 kg weight category. Also at Under 17, Daniel Călin Ciubotaru won the silver medal in the snatch and the overall bronze medal in the 89 kg weight category.

At Under 15, Alexandr Baldji (67 kg) won the silver in the snatch and the bronze in the overall, Gabriel Danilov (55 kg) – silver in the throw and bronze in the overall, and Alexandru Neagu (89 kg) – bronze in the throw.

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The Republic of Moldova was represented by ten weightlifters at the U15 and U17 European Championships.

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