Three more candidates registered for the referendum. All opt for Moldova’s EU membership

The Central Electoral Commission has registered three more electoral contestants to participate in the referendum on European Union membership. They are the Unity and Welfare Coalition (CUB), the Together Bloc, and the Action and Solidarity Party (PAS).

The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) approved the decision during its meeting on September 12, 2024. All three registered candidates will advocate Moldova’s accession to the EU.

According to the Commission, the deadline for submitting applications for registration as a referendum participant is September 20, 2024. So far, the Central Electoral Commission has registered six other participants for the referendum.


“Respect Moldova,” ALDE, and the Ecologist Green Party will support the “Yes” option, while the Communists, “Rebirth,” and “Chance” will opt for “No.”

The “Chance” party is likely to have its registration decision revoked after judges decided to limit the party’s activity for three months.

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