Top 10 tourist attractions in Chișinău

How often have you been asked by tourists what they could visit in Chișinău? And how often have you known what to answer? To inform you about the most important places to visit here, we present you a top list of tourist attractions in the capital, according to TripAdvisor.

#1. “Mileștii Mici” Winery

“No matter if this will be your first time in Moldova or you are returning. Visiting this place is worth it every time. Great place, great staff, and definitely do a tour with wine tasting!” – DzemoMB from Slovenia.

#2. Dendrarium Park

“A large park, more like a garden, where you can go relax after a long day. There is a small fee to enter, but the money is put to good use. The park is very neat, with alleys, benches, and well-organized all around. Not much to do per se except for walking, but it’s a very quiet and relaxing place to do so. We went at a pretty bad time, with all the flowers being out of season, I am sure it’s splendid at other times.” – Ana-Maria B from Romania.

#3. “Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt” Park

“Beautiful park, on a sunny Friday afternoon, there were elderly people dancing typical Moldovan songs, and my friend, this is a tradition. Beautiful popup small cafes are around the park with their own decorations. I recommend.” – Beatriz M from Germany.

#4. “Nașterea Domnului” Cathedral

“The cathedral is really a beautiful one! Chisinau and Moldova is a beautiful city and country overall. My mother is from Moldova, so I’ve traveled a lot around the country. We usually live with her friends, but I can truly say that there are many different beautiful places to visit in Moldova.” – Daniel Adaszak from Sweden.

#5. “Eternitate” Memorial Complex

“A wonderful expanse of ground is dedicated here in Chișinău to those who gave their lives during World War II. The Eternal Flame burns symbolically, and the large red and pink-colored structure – resembling five 25m high rifles – stands proudly at the center of this park. It is free admission to the Victory Memorial and very poignant with other monuments and carvings to be seen throughout.” – Greg from the UK.


#6. National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History

“The museum seemed to be under construction when I went there, so take my review with a grain of salt. The museum was very small, just two rooms. One with information on the land/soil of Moldova. The other room was a bit more interesting with a lot of the animals of the area, especially lots of birds. Worth a visit, but manage your expectations.” – Lee Morgan.

#7. “Valea Morilor” Park

“The park is very beautiful, clean, and quiet! During the weekend, it might be crowded, but it’s okay! Best park for running.” – Mark Mimino from Germany.

#8. Ciuflea Monastery

“This is a real field hospital for souls. It is Orthodoxy in action and quite a mesmerizing place to be. It is much more run down inside than its swanky roof would suggest, but that just adds to its charm.” – Monica C from Romania.

#9. Monument of Ștefan cel Mare și Sfânt

“This is an attractive enough statue in the center of Chisinau to commemorate one of the most significant figures in the history of Moldova. The statue is located at the entrance to the park of the same name. A quick stop is sufficient.” – KGB777 from Singapore.

#10. Triumphal Arch

“It is a symbol of the city, and while smaller than other similar ones, it has nice architecture, and it’s a good, accessible place to take photos. Took a few good photos, but it took forever to get the cables out. A lot of cables everywhere, yay for Photoshop.” – Ana-Maria B from Romania.

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