
Two Moldovan Universities Receive 1.6 Million Lei for Infrastructure Upgrades from Ministry of Education

Two institutions of higher education – the State University of Moldova and the “Bogdan Petriceicu Hașdeu” State University in Cahul, will receive additional financial assistance of approximately 1.6 million lei from the Ministry of Education and Research (MEC). The funds will be used for investments in infrastructure.

The decision was taken by the working group responsible for redistributing additional funding to public higher education institutions under the MEC’s authority, as announced by representatives of the Ministry.

The State University of Moldova will receive around 700,000 lei, which will be used to update the reconstruction project of the “Andrei Lupan” Scientific Library. Construction of the library block began in 2007 but was not completed. The new reconstruction project aims to estimate the necessary costs to finish the construction of the library, according to the MEC.

“This library holds the largest collection of scientific books in the Republic, with approximately 1.5 million titles, many of which are unique copies. The funding from the MEC will help us preserve this valuable scientific book heritage under proper conditions,” says Angela Hanganu, Vice-Rector for Scientific Activity and International Relations.


The funding allocated to the “Bogdan Petriceicu Hașdeu” State University in Cahul amounts to 900,000 lei. These resources will be used to develop the technical project for major repairs to a student dormitory. After renovation, the dormitory will accommodate not only students but also young specialists in the field of education, as mentioned by the MEC.

“Through the funding we provided today, we support two important university infrastructure projects. The State University of Moldova will be able to finish a building that will house an extremely valuable book collection, and the University of Cahul will begin renovating a space that will be useful for both students and young faculty members. Investing in the modernization of university infrastructure is one of our priorities,” stated Minister Dan Perciun.

In June, the commission decided to allocate a sum of 33 million lei as additional funding for 13 universities under the MEC’s authority. The financial resources will be used for renovating buildings and study halls, improving conditions in student dormitories, equipping laboratories and study rooms.

In total, the budgetary allocations for additional funding for the fiscal year 2023 amounted to approximately 35 million lei.

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