Victor Nistorica, administrator of Bardar Bakery: “I want to achieve in Moldova everything we are looking for in the EU”

Victor Nistorica, the administrator of Bardar Bakery in the Ialoveni rayon, wishes that people could achieve all the benefits we seek from the European Union at home in Moldova. His successful business, whose products are available in over 150 shops in Romania, plans to export fresh pies and cakes to Germany, Ireland, and Israel.

The business started in 2000 in Bardar, a town of the same name 15 kilometers from Chisinau. Victor Nistorica admits he has been to the EU and loved it.

“In the EU, I was impressed by the civilization, how easy it is to get around, how easy it is to communicate, how accessible products and services are, and how well organized the infrastructure is. People feel free. They can travel anywhere and work without discrimination,” he says.

In a short video interview conducted in the context of an information and voter education campaign on Moldova’s European integration, Nistorica also talked about his expectations from the European Union.


“We want to take our traditional products to the EU. They are harder to find there, where our fellow countrymen need them. I want a higher standard of living, security, and healthcare on a European level. So that the things we do now in the EU we can do at home,” the entrepreneur adds.

In the future, the entrepreneur wants to see Moldova as a safe and welcoming country “with a beautiful nature and a well-preserved culture.”

“We need to capitalize on these opportunities and welcome tourists with open arms,” Nistorica concluded.

The interview with Victor Nistorica is the second in a series of testimonies by Moldovan entrepreneurs aimed at engaging the business community in the referendum on European integration support on October 20, 2024.

This message is part of the information and voter education campaign on Moldova’s European integration.

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