(VIDEO) 16 kindergartens in 8 districts of Moldova will benefit from financial assistance to expand services

Within the project “Increasing resilience through employment and social cohesion,” 16 kindergartens in eight districts of Moldova will benefit from financial assistance provided by HELVETAS Moldova. This initiative aims to expand educational services, increasing access for vulnerable families, including those of refugees.

Clara Abdullah, Communications Officer of HELVETAS Moldova: “When we were preparing this project, we did a small survey with locals and refugees and found that many parents with young children, especially mothers, are ready to go out to work but have no one to leave their child with.”

So, the organization also decided to support public early education institutions in the eight districts covered by the project, in both villages and towns.

“With our support, these kindergartens can afford extensions and new facilities, enabling the opening of new groups and increasing capacities. This way, they can welcome more children, including Ukrainian children, and parents have a free hand to reconcile their personal and professional lives,” adds Clara Abdullah.

Kindergarten â„– 3 “Soarele” in Edinet is one of the project beneficiaries. It has been equipped with modern furniture for the children, ensuring the comfort and functionality necessary for their development.

Director Olga Borta underlines: “The furniture has improved the space for children with special needs.”

Constantin Cojocari, mayor of Edinet municipality, adds, “There are more children with special educational needs in this kindergarten. It is a prerogative of both the central and local administrations. These children will be in the focus and at the center of all activities.”

The kindergarten “Albinuta” in Sofia, Drochia, has received new beds for children.


Director Alexandra Balan says: “Some children, if they are older, do not fit in the cots, and even when I was going through the groups, I felt sorry for them. Now, they all went home excited. They all said, ‘Mom, mom, look, today we got new beds and we’re sleeping in new beds.'”

The list of beneficiaries includes the “Romanita” kindergarten in Gangura, Ialoveni.

Director Oxana Melnic says: “HELVETAS and the District Council have handled everything done in this group. We bought the toy cupboards, the teaching materials, the table for the teachers, the tables, the kitchen cupboards, the linen, the mattresses, and the clothes cupboards.”

In Balti, too, kindergarten â„– 35, changed the windows thanks to a grant from HELVETAS Moldova.

Irina Tripadush, director of the kindergarten, told us, “By applying to the project offered by Helvetas Moldova, we obtained a grant of 5,000 Swiss pounds, which enabled us to change the windows in the group we plan to open from the next school year.”

This project improves the living conditions and education of children in Moldova and provides significant support to parents, thus contributing to the social and economic development of the communities involved.

The activities were organized in the project framework “Increasing resilience through employment and social cohesion,” implemented in the consortium by Helvetas Moldova and HEKS/EPER Moldova, with the financial support of the Government of Switzerland. Strategic implementing partner: National Agency for Employment.

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