(VIDEO) How Paris fights disinformation? Macron: “We must not believe everything we read on the internet”

France has set up special structures at the government level to fight disinformation, and Moldova can easily follow this example. President Emmanuel Macron made the statement after giving an exclusive interview with journalist Ecaterina Covali, the author of the “Bridges to Europe” project. The production was aired on Thursday, October 17, on RLIVE TV.

“It is a scourge that obliges us to mobilize and react very quickly to stop it, to check, to counter it. Therefore, your country has organized itself extensively to combat it. In France, we have set up structures called Viginium to combat disinformation. We are working with Moldova in this area and drawing on European cooperation within the European Political Community, leveraging the experience of Estonia and other nations.

So, we should not believe everything we read on the Internet. We have to be cautious and use fact-checking. Governments must strengthen their ability to fight this phenomenon through independent authorities. We need to hold platforms accountable for broadcasting this content, which is possible in Europe due to existing regulations. We also need to step up the fight against cyber attacks. It’s a whole package because it’s part of the hybrid war,” said Emmanuel Macron.


In the same interview aired on RLIVE TV, Macron explained why the European Union is the best option for Moldova, what social and economic benefits our country can still reap, and how to fight disinformation and counter the hybrid war.

In the interview broadcast exclusively by RLIVE TV, Macron explained why the European integration option is welcome for our country and how EU member states combat Russian propaganda. He also talked about the current relationship between the governments of Chisinau and Paris.

The interview was part of the “Bridges to Europe” project, funded by the Soros Foundation Moldova in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova and implemented by the Association for Responsible Initiatives (ASPIR).

The production also airs on the public TV channel Moldova 1.

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