Charles Michel: The EU will provide military support to the Republic of Moldova


The European Union will continue to support the Republic of Moldova, and this time will provide additional military support to our country, in order to cope with the situation of security uncertainty in the region. The statement was made today, May 4th, by the President of the Council of Europe, Charles Michel, on a working visit to our country, who had a meeting with the President of our country, Maia Sandu, writes

According to the President of the Council of Europe, military support will be limited to the first stage by providing assistance on cyber defense logistics, as well as strengthening the military capabilities of the Republic of Moldova.

“Russia’s war against Ukraine has had serious consequences for the international community. Russia has also unreasonably attacked Ukraine, a fact that goes against the international norms. Moldova has been affected by incidents and challenges. We are in solidarity with the Republic of Moldova. We must increase your security in order to maintain your sovereignty, independence and neutrality. Our political support will continue because we have seen that you are working to align yourself with European standards and values. We will support Moldova in the military to increase security. We will provide the armed forces with additional equipment. We will support Moldova’s resilience and, through reforms, the fight against corruption and the reform of the judiciary, including in the context of the EU’s application for membership. You have to defend your safety and security, “said Charles Michel.

Maia Sandu thanked the President of the Council of Europe for all the support given so far to the Republic of Moldova and called on the EU to continue to open its “borders” to help our country, including the prospects of the crises it faces.

“The war in Ukraine has humanitarian, economic and energy consequences for our country. We appreciate the support of the European Commission in dealing with the repercussions. We also appreciate the opening of EU markets for Moldovan fruits, after the Eastern market was closed due to the war. We have a saying in the Republic of Moldova: The friend in need is a friend indeed. We have a real friendship with the European Union. We count on Europe’s support for the elimination of taxes on the export of agricultural products on the European market, but also additional permits for the transport of goods from our country, on the territory of European states. Our plans have not changed. We want to build a strong and secure state for its citizens, to have a strong economy, to create optimal living conditions for Moldovan citizens, and to stay in the country. The EU accession process is complex and time consuming. We are not looking for shortcuts or concessions. The international community must act in a concerted manner to bring peace to the European continent, “was Maia Sandu’s message to the President of the Council of Europe.

It is important to mention that this is the second working visit to our country of the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, since the beginning of this year. The first visit took place at the end of February.

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