A meeting on the Platform of Support for the Republic of Moldova will be held in Chisinau in October


A meeting of external partners at the Moldova Support Platform will be held in Chisinau on October 17. This was announced today, on August 16, by President Maia Sandu at a meeting of ambassadors.

“Probably, you know that we will be discussing with our development partners a platform of support for Moldova on October 17 in Chisinau. We will discuss our foreign aid needs, and your role in the future will still be to facilitate trade and promote our country as a safe destination for quality foreign investments. Only by developing the economy, by supporting our exporters and producers, we’ll be able to get the necessary resources to solve all the problems facing Moldova and its citizens,” the head of state emphasized.

At the meeting, the president summarized the results of the foreign policy activity over the past year and outlined four priorities for the current year.

The Platform of Support for the Republic of Moldova was created after the beginning of the war in Ukraine at the initiative of Romania, Germany, and France.