Former European Commissioner: EU Accession Means Profound Transformation of the Republic of Moldova

“Once granted the status of a candidate country for EU accession, the Republic of Moldova will undergo a complete transformation process. Former European Commissioner Leonard Orban made this statement for TVR Moldova.

“We are talking about a complete transformation of the country. There are several absolutely essential areas where profound reform is needed, not only to meet the requirements of the European Union but ultimately to serve the interests of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. Let me give you a simple example – the judicial system. It not only needs to be corruption-free but also efficient. It should solve issues correctly and treat every citizen equally. This is in the interest of every citizen. This is just one example, but reforms need to encompass all aspects, and the economic sector is extremely important,” Orban stated.


According to him, these reforms require both human and financial efforts, representing a transformation process for the country that benefits every citizen of the Republic of Moldova.

“Look at Romania, it’s an example we are very familiar with. Where was Romania before the accession and where it is now, the leap is extraordinary. Not just comparing how Romania was before joining in 2007 and how it is now, but comparing Romania to countries that have not joined the European Union. There is no difference,” Orban emphasized.

The former European Commissioner stressed that the Republic of Moldova can start accession negotiations if a positive decision is taken either at the European Council in December or at a subsequent European Council meeting.

“This is a historic opportunity that needs to be seized, and the involvement of the entire society is required, not just the political dimension or administration, so that this historic opportunity is not missed,” the Romanian politician highlighted.”

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