Moldova has a faster perspective of integrating into the EU compared to Ukraine, Expert Renita says


Moldova has a faster prospect of integrating into the EU compared to Ukraine, which is embroiled in an armed conflict. It will become increasingly challenging for our country to remain on the same path as Ukraine in the integration process because the situations are different. These opinions belong to Alecu Reniță, a deputy in the First Parliament, and were expressed during the “Puncte de Reflecție” program on Vocea Basarabiei.

Former deputy Alecu Reniță states that the European integration process will not be easy at all, and the progress made by Moldova in its European journey so far is credited to President Maia Sandu.

“It’s complicated, I believe it will be increasingly difficult to stay on the same path because the situation is different. I think Moldova has a faster prospect of integrating into the EU. I am convinced it won’t be easy. I believe our great friends, referring in this case to Moldova from the West, and this is undoubtedly the merit of Maia Sandu, have managed to open doors at many Chancelleries, starting from Brussels to Berlin, to Paris, the United States. We need to understand that this is not easy at all, that until recently, you wouldn’t even get a response to greetings. Now, Ursula von der Leyen seems to be part of the Moldovan government. Moldova must understand not to jeopardize these good relations that have been established, but if you take it lightly, if state institutions do not fulfill the commitments signed by the head of state, it compromises two things, the head of state and our path of integration into the European Space,” said former deputy Alecu Reniță.


It is worth noting that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nicu Popescu, also stated in a television program that Moldova could separate from the “package with Ukraine” in the European integration process. According to him, the decoupling from the package is decided by the European Commission and depends on the speed of reforms implemented by each candidate country.

On November 8, the European Commission recommended to the European Council the opening of accession negotiations with the EU for Moldova and Ukraine. The decision on initiating accession negotiations for both states into the European Union is expected to be made by the European Council at the summit on December 14-15.