The Republic of Moldova is making good progress in the EU fruit market


The export of table grapes has become the leading contributor to the total export of Moldovan fruit. Upon analysing data from the past few years, continuous growth in the production and export of table grapes is evident, resulting in constantly rising revenues, notes were made by economist Veaceslav Ionita.

Based on the information provided by the expert, the production of table grapes in the Republic of Moldova has steadily increased, reaching record levels in recent years. In 2023, production reached 1.63 billion lei, which is a significant increase compared to previous years. In addition, table grapes made up a significant portion of overall fruit exports, representing 24.9% in 2023.

Veaceslav Ionita notes that the rise in table grape exports has been accompanied by a diversification of the export market. Although in the past, exports were concentrated in a few countries, today, Moldovan table grapes are exported to more than 30 countries worldwide. The countries with the highest import volumes are Romania, followed by Russia, Poland, and Belarus.

The expert highlighted another important aspect, which is the increase in average export prices for Moldovan table grapes. This trend suggests that Moldovan producers are experiencing an increase in income due to the product’s heightened competitiveness in the international market.


These developments in the wine sector demonstrate the potential of the Moldovan industry to become a major player in the international fruit market, contributing to the country’s economic growth and sustainable development.