Slovak Ambassador: Through the European Union Moldova has a historical chance to build its statehood


Slovak Ambassador in Moldova Pavol Ivan spoke about the advantages of living in the EU, Moldova’s prospects on the European integration path, and assistance from the EU member states to our country in an exclusive interview with RliveTV.

“Through the European Union, I think that Moldova has a historical chance to build its statehood, to build you, to develop your identity, and it’s very important to build your economy, industry, and agricultural sector, including your famous and very high-quality wine industry. 

For example, culture, some ethical issues or the traditions, it’s not true that becoming a member of the EU or the country is losing its national traditions or habits or some other aspect, no, no, it depends on your country and the European Union has no such conditions criteria. There are many other very strict criteria conditions for becoming a member of the EU, but not in this area. On the opposite, we have a valid slogan and valid value that we work together in unity. The European Union united but in diversity. Diversity means that every country brings its national contribution to the EU, of course from economic security and other aspects but also its own specific national, from their own identity, national culture, and tradition, bringing to the EU and enriching European family and European Union,” he stressed.


As for the support of the European Union member states, the Slovak Ambassador emphasized that it would be unchanged. Pavol Ivan specified that Moldova and its citizens, who have expressed their desire to build Europe at home, have great chances to join the EU as soon as possible.

“I know that all of the EU 27 are helping support Moldova, like my country Slovakia, we are a consistent supporter of Moldova’s European Union integration aims, ambitions, and strategic choices. We are fully behind you. You deserve that, and, as we have been helped before, 20-25 years ago. Now, we are returning. We are helping to assist you. We share our integration experience and expertise.

All together on our square, it will be my pleasure. I wish all the best to the Moldovan people for your European future what’s very important, which I didn’t mention is that this European process accession talks mean that Moldova as a country Moldova nation not only one part of Moldova is entering or would like to join all your country so that’s very important to know when you are talking having dialogue talking each other asking and giving answers you know because it’s our experience that communication should be addressed to everybody even to euro skeptics or some of the population may say we don’t want for example, but it’s normal. In Slovakia, we also organized a referendum, about 92 percent of the people expressed in favor and supported our accession to our membership in the European even,” Pavol Ivan said.