Vlad Filat returns to the political arena! PLDM announces that he will be a candidate for President of Moldova


Vlad Filat will run for president of Moldova. The Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova, whose leader is a politician, made the announcement.

According to the party, the party’s central permanent bureau approved the decision on May 31, 2024. They published the press release on Filat’s presidential candidacy on June 3.

The Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova intends to register and participate as an electoral contestant in the constitutional republican referendum scheduled for October 20, 2024. This referendum coincides with the presidential elections, during which citizens vote on whether they support the country’s European integration.

Other candidates planning to run for president include Maia Sandu, Andrei Nastase, and Renato Usatii. Rumors suggest that Tudor Ulianovschi, Irina Vlah, and Ion Chicu might also participate, although these rumors remain unconfirmed.


Discussions in the public arena about potential single candidates for the presidential election from pro-European and opposition parties have been ongoing. However, party leaders have thus far confined these discussions to talks among themselves.

It’s worth noting that Vlad Filat briefly served as interim head of state for two days in 2010.