The Republic of Moldova and the Kingdom of the Netherlands will boost economic cooperation


Prime Minister Dorin Recean received on a farewell visit the ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Chisinau, Roelof van Ees, the Government’s Communication and Protocol Directorate reported for MOLDPRES.

The Government’s reform agenda aimed at modernizing our country, the accession process of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union, the dynamism of commercial-economic cooperation, the security situation in the region, and the firm position of condemning the unjust war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine were the topics discussed at the meeting.

Prime Minister Dorin Recean mentioned that the Republic of Moldova is interested in taking over the good Dutch practices in the agricultural sector for the benefit of farmers and businessmen in our country, the Kingdom of the Netherlands being the second-world exporter in the field of agri-food.

“I welcomed the decision of the Hague authorities regarding the opening of an embassy in Chisinau, which reconfirms the deepening of the diplomatic dialogue, but also provides premises for the intensification of bilateral cooperation in all fields,” said Prime Minister Dorin Recean.