A second chance for the NEET delinquents from Moldova!

On August 3, 2022, in Chisinau, a round table presentation of a study on the quality of educational and employment services offered to young people in conflict with the law was organized. It is about the project “Inclusion of NEET young men and women from the most vulnerable categories, namely those in conflict with the law”, initiated by the Ministry of Justice, the National Administration of Penitentiaries and the National Probation Inspectorate. The event was attended by representatives of the mentioned institutions, as well as experts and project partners.

“The category of young men and women who do not have access to education and jobs is one of interest, a priority for the countries of the European Union, policies and packages of measures have been developed and implemented in this regard. And in the Republic of Moldova, the NEET category of young men and women has started to be prioritized”, said the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Justice, Nadejda Burciu, in her greeting message at the round table.

NEETs are young people aged 15-29 who are not in the working population, are not studying or learning within the formal education system and are not participating in any courses or other training outside the formal education system.

 â€œNEET young people in conflict with the law – this group of invisible people – need support and enabling services. We have seen tangible results in our previous collaboration with other organizations that have managed to launch similar services, and we wish you success in launching and piloting the innovative service for NEETs in conflict with the law,” said Carolina Blajin, Program Coordinator of East European Foundation.


Present at the event, Liuba Jignea-Suveica, Deputy Director of the National Penitentiary Administration, said that the population of the penitentiaries is very young, and those who end up in detention are mostly NEET youth.

The study on the quality of educational and employment services offered to people in conflict with the law, developed by psychologist and consultant Victor Strogoteanu, and the study on access to education in penitentiaries, developed by lawyer and expert Andrei Lungu, aim to evaluate the quality of educational and employment, offered to young NEETs in conflict with the law and the creation of a pilot project concept for one of the penitentiaries or probation offices, focused on the education and employment of young NEETs.

The project “Better opportunities for young men and women not benefiting from education, training and employment (NEET Youth Inclusion Initiative)” is financed by the European Union and Sweden. The project is implemented by the East European Foundation (FEE) in partnership with the National Youth Council of Moldova, the Development Partnership Center and the Transnistria Regional Development Agency. The opinions expressed belong to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the point of view of the Eastern European Foundation, the National Youth Council of Moldova, the Development Partnership Center and the Transnistrian Regional Development Agency, the European Union and/or Sweden.

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