Canada will provide Moldova with two million dollars

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promises that his country will provide Moldova with two million dollars. The money will be provided under the Program of Action for Stabilization and Peacekeeping.

Trudeau’s announced $2 million aid is intended to strengthen the capacity of the National Police. He noted that the money will help ensure security in regions with a large number of migrants and refugees.

“The project will contribute to the training, provision of equipment, and technical assistance to the Moldovan National Police and will be essential to their efforts to address security issues”, Trudeau said.

He stressed that Canada supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Moldova.

“Ottawa will support action to combat disinformation, hybrid threats, and separatism”, he said.

Trudeau expressed admiration for the Republic of Moldova for providing asylum and humanitarian assistance to over 800,000 refugees from Ukraine fleeing the devastation caused by Russia’s war in Ukraine.

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