
Castel Mimi Presents: The Show Must Go On for Wine Day

All lovers of good wine, traditional dishes, history, and tours are invited to Castel Mimi on Saturday, October 7th, to celebrate the National Wine Day, at one of the most beautiful wineries in the world.

Just as wine is celebrated, throughout the event, local wines can be tasted, and grape juice will be served in unlimited quantities. The menu of the day includes traditional kebabs paired with local dishes.

For all history enthusiasts and curious minds who have not explored the cellars of Castel Mimi, captivating tours will be conducted, and those who have not seen how a traditional carpet is woven will have the opportunity to admire the process. In addition, potters will impress visitors with their clay vessel modeling skills.

Guests are welcome with their families, as special areas will be arranged for children, including face painting and interesting demonstrations.

The day’s program will be complemented with music and dance. The “StrămoÅŸeasca” dance ensemble will liven up the atmosphere, Maestro Constantin Moscovici will perform a folklore recital on the pan flute, and Felicia Dunaf, along with the “Dunaff Band,” will get all the guests dancing to Balkan rhythms through music.

Organizers encourage visitors who choose to come to Castel to prioritize the wine train for a carefree and safe celebration.

For more details about the event and prices, visit: https://iticket.md/event/show-must-go-on-la-castel-mimi

And for those who cannot make it to Castel Mimi, they are welcome on both days of celebration, October 7th and 8th, at the tent set up in Piața Marii Adunări Naționale, where wine tastings of local varieties will also take place, and visitors will enjoy special prices on wine.


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